mercoledì, marzo 28, 2007

Pure i cinesi ci invitano...

Nell'attesa di sviluppi per una connessione veloce a Morsano... i cinesi ci hanno invitato alla Broadband World Forum Asia 2007

"As a delegate, you will be exposed to the latest and greatest technology and ideas for the Asian broadband industry. Talk with other high-level management attendees in the industry while examining cutting-edge broadband technology and business models in the Asian market. Visit innovative and outstanding exhibits presented by leading Asian companies. The key areas of focus will include, but are not limited to wireless, 3G, mobile, IPTV and gaming.

Adding the bonus of speakers and special conferences to the exhibits and the knowledge you will walk away with, attendance of this conference is a great value and experience that you cannot miss."

Facciamo una macchinata e si va?

Forse meglio di no, sará sconsolante vedere che nei villaggi cinesi e indiani hanno una connessione piú veloce della nostra...

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